Came across this today and had to share.
The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next - Ralph Waldo Emerson
why evolutionary biology is a crucial part of the curriculum .... .
optimism in evolution.
by olivia judsonlondon.
Came across this today and had to share.
The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next - Ralph Waldo Emerson
so my family specifically invited me to come to the wt this sunday, .
because it strikes them as especially relevant.
this seems ominous to me.. what is the article this sunday?
Thanks for the scans.
q 1, 2. how did you feel when you became convinced that what you were learning about jehovah was the .
what convinced you of the truth?
Many thanks Blondie.
so my family specifically invited me to come to the wt this sunday, .
because it strikes them as especially relevant.
this seems ominous to me.. what is the article this sunday?
Aha, thanks. :)
Edit: I think that will be posted tomorrow juding by the last few Blondie's Comments. Will look out for it then.
Aside, if anyone knows where text versions or scans of upcoming spiritual "food" can be found please let me know.
so my family specifically invited me to come to the wt this sunday, .
because it strikes them as especially relevant.
this seems ominous to me.. what is the article this sunday?
Is anyone able to scan and post it please? I'd appreciate it if so. Thanks.
didn't jesus say survivors would be "changed in the twinkling of an eye" ?.
didn't jesus say the dead would be resurrected first, before this change occurs?.
didn't jesus say he was going to prepare a place and we would be "taken" there to be with him?.
Reading 1 Corinthians 15:42-49 you placed there took me aback - thanks! I may use this one day.
greetings, friends:.
i recently put up a thread entitled "when can i comment?
" new to the thought process of critical thinking, i have felt overwhelmed by the wealth of information now available to a mind opened up to society-banned material.
I was an atheist in waiting ever since I can remember really thinking about life, even though I was born in. Once I decided to research the bible without the limitations of a bible cult and found the collection of literature to be oh-so-human, unbelief came naturally and was admitting the obvious to myself.
didn't jesus say survivors would be "changed in the twinkling of an eye" ?.
didn't jesus say the dead would be resurrected first, before this change occurs?.
didn't jesus say he was going to prepare a place and we would be "taken" there to be with him?.
Heaven and eternal life on a paradise earth are also myths.
why evolutionary biology is a crucial part of the curriculum .... .
optimism in evolution.
by olivia judsonlondon.
Thanks Wobble, but I doubt very much that these thoughts will conclude the thread. :)
Regarding the quote you mention, I disagree with it but can at least respect that way of thinking far more than insisting on taking allegory literally. Anyway, it's good to discuss these things out in the open. Cheers!
why evolutionary biology is a crucial part of the curriculum .... .
optimism in evolution.
by olivia judsonlondon.
Or one could admit that the creation doublets are just another example of the many contradictory doublets and triplets that appear throughout the Torah and beyond. Which means they simply cannot be taken literally. Which means they do not provide a literal account of how we got to be the way we are. Which means there is another answer. Which means the human race today should be given the chance to observe, learn, theorise and test to see if more can be learned.
Which means not teaching a theory such as evolution in high school science is simply absurd.